I suggest that these innovations represent a type of hypercorrection in some cases, and a lexical diffusion effect in others. They have also innovated some constraints on use which are not significant for the Glaswegian speakers. They have successfully replicated some of the native constraints on the variation, although not all. The results show that as a group, the Polish speakers come close to matching the rates of use shown by the Glaswegian speakers. I use quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore why some individuals are matching these patterns to a greater extent than others.

Focusing on several sociolinguistic variables from different levels of the grammar, I use quantitative analysis to ask whether the Polish speakers are matching the local patterns of use shown by their Glaswegian peers. The linguistic behaviour of these young migrants is compared to that of a matched group of seven of their classmates who were born in Glasgow. I spend two years in this high school, conducting ethnographic analysis and collecting speech recordings. When young migrants enter a new community, are they able to acquire the community’s sociolinguistic norms? In this thesis, I examine the speech of 14 adolescents who were born in Poland, and who now attend a high school in the East End of Glasgow. Instead, the factor of ‘place’ – the specific socio-political context unique to each of the communities – provides a more satisfactory explanation as to why Ipswich (the urban location) and Wickham Market (the rural location) should behave similarly to each other, while Woodbridge (the intermediate community with higher social status) is more innovative in showing greater and earlier movement away from traditional East Anglian features. Perhaps the most significant finding is that the initial (arbitrary) classification of each of the three locations from which data was collected as ‘urban’, ‘rural’ and ‘intermediate’ does not appear to sufficiently account for the variation uncovered. The use of the traditional variant remains high among all three age groups, albeit with perhaps the slight beginnings of a movement towards among middle aged and younger speakers. The ‘David’ variable, the propensity for unstressed /ɪ/ to be realised as schwa in East Anglia, shows the opposite effect. That said, older speakers still use standard -s marked forms around 73% of the time suggesting that even for this group the change towards a Standard English-like present-tense verb system is well underway. Across the three locations, younger speakers are almost categorical in their use of the Standard English-like -s marking of third singular subjects, while middle aged and older speakers use traditional East Anglian zero marked forms more often. Standard English he runs and she goes), shows evidence of being at a late stage of change. The verbal -s variable, which refers to traditional East Anglian zero marking of third person singular present tense verb forms (e.g. The results show that one of the variables has undergone change, while the other appears to be resisting it. It broadly speaking seeks to ascertain whether either of the linguistic variables show evidence of change in progress away from traditional East Anglian forms and if so, whether this could represent dedialectalisation or levelling of the Suffolk dialect. 1974, 1988) in another East Anglian locality, Norwich.

It is chiefly inspired by the Labovian sociolinguistic methodology, and the work of Trudgill (e.g. This thesis presents a variationist analysis of two linguistic variables among 72 speakers in three Suffolk communities.

We find that the challenges of sociolinguistics in these communities sometimes make standard varia-tionist methods untenable, but the methodological solutions we propose can lead to valuable results and community relationships. We also highlight reasons why such lesser-studied languages are crucial to the further advancement of sociolinguistic theory, arguing that the value of the research justifies the effort needed to overcome the methodological difficulty. In particular, we draw insights from our research with Australian languages and indigenous languages of rural China. We then present practical solutions for successful variationist research on indigenous languages and meaningful partnerships with local communities. In this paper we examine three key methodological challenges commonly faced by researchers who are outsiders to the community. Documenting sociolinguistic variation in lesser-studied languages presents meth-odological challenges, but also offers important research opportunities.